How to take a picture of your products at home as if taken in a studio professionally

How to take a picture of your products at home as if taken in a studio professionally

I am ashamed every time I see a picture of poor product Offered for sale on one of the Internet sites or forums
Product photography can be fun and challenging, it can also be very profitable. Why you ask? Because a customer will not buy your products unless they can clearly see them.

But you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on a light tent or box to achieve great results. For around $1 you can build a simple and effective light box with stuff you probably already have laying around the house.

I suggest you realizing your clean light box .This super fun DIY light box is great for Obtenez pretty pictures, always bright with a neutral background. Pretty neat to showcase your articles on your blog or online store, So good,


White papers 
paper Transparencies (Enter lighting)
cardboard box

Start with a decent size cardboard box

Leave the top flaps in place and cut out the three sides

 cover it with plain papers to act as the light diffuser

attached the blu-tack on the back of the cardboard box

you can use desk lamps as the main lighting source
Do not use a flash when take pictures

Do not use a flash phone , When take pictures

Images captured in this box :

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عن bernard shaw

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